- 2025.01, Our article “Key Kinetic Interactions between NOX and Unsaturated Hydrocarbons: H Atom Abstraction from C3C7 Alkynes, Dienes, and Trienes by NO2” has been selected as a Front Cover for an issue of The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Congrats to Hongqing WU and Ruoyue TANG for their good work.
- 2024.12, Prof Cheng joins the Organizing Committee of Satelite Workshops at the 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC 2025) in Singapore.
- 2024.12, Journal paper accepted to Applications in Energy and Combustion Science (Q1, IF: 5.000), (title: Comprehensive reevaluation of acetaldehyde chemistry – Part I: Assessment of important kinetic parameters and the underlying uncertainties).
- 2024.12, Journal paper accepted to Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Q2, IF: 4.173), (title: On the key kinetic interactions between NOX and unsaturated hydrocarbons: H-atom abstraction from C3-C7 alkynes, dienes and triene by NO2).
- 2024.12, Ms Xinrui REN, Mr Yu HAN and Mr Ting ZHANG won the third prize in the “HUAWEI Cup” The 21st China Post-Graduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling. Congrats!
- 2024.11, Journal paper accepted to Combustion and Flame (Q1, IF: 5.800), (title: Investigation of real-fluid effects on NH3 oxidation and blending characteristics at supercritical conditions via high-order Virial equation of state coupled with ab initio intermolecular potentials).
- 2024.11, Journal paper accepted to Combustion and Flame (Q1, IF: 5.800), (title: Understanding key interactions between NOx and C2-C5 alkanes and alkenes: The ab initio kinetics and influences of H-atom abstractions by NO2).
- 2024.11, Journal paper accepted to Combustion and Flame (Q1, IF: 5.800), (title: Ab initio intermolecular interactions mediate thermochemically real-fluid effects that affect system reactivity: The first application of high-order Virial EoS and first-principles multi-body potentials in trans-/super-critical autoignition modelling).
- 2024.11, Journal paper accepted to Fuel (Q1, IF: 6.700), (title: The first application of high-order Virial equation of state and ab initio multi-body
potentials in modeling supercritical oxidation in jet-stirred reactors). - 2024.11, Prof Cheng was invited to give a keynote at the 2nd International Conference on Green Aviation. (title: Streamlined Assessment, Troubleshooting and Optimization of Sustainable Aviation Fuels).
- 2024.11, Mr Hao JIN and Ms Jingjie CHEN joined UHPC-Lab. Welcome!
- 2024.11, UHPC-Lab attended the PolyU’s 10th Mechanical Engineering Research Presentation Competition.
- 2024.11, Ms Xinrui REN and Mr Haolong LI presented their work at PolyU’s 10th Mechanical Engineering Research Presentation Competition.
- 2024.10, Ms Xinrui REN received the Best Paper Award at the 2024 China National Symposium on Combustion.
- 2024.10, UHPC-Lab attended the 2024 China National Symposium on Combustion. Ms Xinrui REN, Dr Mingsheng WEN and Dr Yanqing CUI presented their work at the Symposium.
- 2024.10, New research students (Mr Luoning LI, Mr Zhenjia YUE, Mr Zhicheng LUO, Mr Zhaowen WANG) joined UHPC-Lab. Welcome!
- 2024.09, New research collaboration project on air cargo fire established with Aerovision Technology Limited.
- 2024.09, New research collaboration project on advanced satellite propulsion established.
- 2024.09, Memory Wall of UHPC Lab in service in our newly renovated laboratory, “Laser-Diagnosing Advanced Propulsion Research Laboratory“. The new lab will be the only approved lab in PolyU for coupled high-pressure, flame and class-IV laser experiments.
- 2024.09, Prof Chenglong TANG from Xi’an Jiao Tong University visited UHPC-Lab and delivered a seminar: “Atomization, droplet evaporation and combustion behaviors of hyperbolic impinging jets at high chamber pressures”.
- 2024.08, New project on sustainable aviation fuel awarded funding by the Research Institute of Smart Energy.
- 2024.08, Mr Hongqing WU won the MSc Dissertation Scholarship. Congrats!
- 2024.08, 2024年度国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)项目 – 获批资助.
- 2024.08, Prof Cheng joined The Panel of The Gas Safety Ordinance Board of The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
- 2024.08, New research student, Mr Buyao RAN, joined UHPC-lab. Welcome!
- 2024.08, New project on SAF awarded funding by the Chief Executive’s Policy Unit of HKSAR.
- 2024.08, Ms Xinrui REN and Mr Haolong LI confirmed PhD candidacy. Congrats!
- 2024.08, Journal paper accepted to Physics of Fluids (Q1, IF: 4.600), (title: A Data-Driven Phase Change Model for Injection Flow Modeling).
- 2024.07, New project awarded funding by the Environmental Protection Department of HKSAR.
- 2024.07, Prof Cheng serves as Session Chair for the Low-Carbon Technologies Colloquium at The 40th International Symposium on Combustion.
- 2024.07, Prof Cheng gave an invited talk at the 5th RCM Workshop at The 40th International Symposium on Combustion (title: State-Of-The-Art: Diagnostics in RCM and Opportunities Beyond).
- 2024.07, New postdoc (Dr Mingsheng WEN) and new research students (Ms Hongjie ZHANG, Mr Guangyuan FENG, Mr Heng LIU) joined UHPC-Lab. Welcome!
- 2024.07, Mr Yu HAN and Ms Guojie LIANG passed their Dissertation Oral Examination. Congratulations!
- 2024.06, Journal paper accepted to Proceedings of The Combustion Institute (Q1, IF: 6.719), (title: Asynchronicity in opposed-piston RCMs: Does it matter?).
- 2024.06, Prof Cheng was invited to the 2024 COMAC Green Development Day, witnessing the maiden flight of C919 and ARJ21 fueled with 40% SAF.
- 2024.06, Prof Cheng delivered a vision talk on SAF at the COMAC Civil Aircraft Flight Test Center.
- 2024.05, Journal paper accepted to Proceedings of The Combustion Institute (Q1, IF: 6.719), (title: Optical diagnostics and chemical kinetic analysis on partially premixed combustion characteristics fueled with methanol and various cetane improvers).
- 2024.05, Prof Cheng joined the Organizing Committee of The Global Chinese Environmental Protection Conference 2024 (GCEPC 2024).
- 2024.05, Prof Cheng joined the Local Organizing Committee of The 16th ICCEU (International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilization).
- 2024.05, Ms Ruoyue TANG confirmed candidacy. Congrats!
- 2024.05, Journal paper accepted to Physics of Fluids (Q1, IF: 4.600), (title: Comprehending flame development and misfire at advanced engine conditions: detailed experimental characterizations and machine learning-assisted kinetic analyses).
- 2024.05, New PhD students, Ms Zikangping WANG and Mr Ting ZHANG, joined UHPC-lab. Welcome!
- 2024.05, New Research Assistant, Stephen FAN, joined UHPC-lab. Welcome!
- 2024.04, Ms Ren received the Top-10 Best Paper Award at the 2024 World IC Engine Congress.
- 2024.04, Prof Cheng was invited to give a seminar talk on supercritical combustion at The 9th National Young Scholar Meeting on Combustion Research in Beijing.
- 2024.04, Dr Cui and Ms Ren presented their work on SOFC end-gas conversion and real-time model optimization, respectively, at the 2024 World IC Engine Congress in Tianjin.
- 2024.03, Prof Suyuan Liu from Northwestern Polytechnical University visited UHPC Lab.
- 2024.03, New Research Assistants, Mr Jerry Gong and Mr Matthew Tung, joined UHPC-lab. Welcome!
- 2024.03, Journal paper accepted to Combustion and Flame (Q1, IF: 5.767), (title: Ab initio kinetics for H-atom abstraction from C1–C5 hydrocarbon and oxygenated species by CH3Ȯ radicals).
- 2024.03, Journal paper accepted to Physics of Fluids (Q1, IF: 4.980), (title: A One-way Coupling Approach for Simulating In-Nozzle Flow and Spray Characteristics of a Pressure-swirl Atomizer).
- 2024.02, Prof Cheng was invited to give a seminar talk at the 1st International Symposium on Advances in Engines and Fuels towards Zero-Carbon Emissions.
- 2024.02, Prof Cheng was invited to give a seminar on SAF to COMAC Board.
- 2024.02, Journal paper accepted to Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Q1, IF: 3.7), (title: New Insights into Head-On Bouncing of Unequal-Size Droplets on a Wetting Surface).
- 2024.02, Journal paper accepted to Combustion and Flame (Q1, IF: 5.767), (title: Experimental and modeling study of NO2 addition effects on autoignition behavior of propylene).
- 2024.01, Prof Cheng was invited to attend the launching ceremony of The Hong Kong Sustainable Aviation Fuel Coalition.
- 2024.01, Journal paper accepted to Combustion and Flame (Q1, IF: 5.767), (title: Finding a common ground for RCM experiments. Part B: Benchmark study on ethanol ignition).
- 2023.12, New student, Songyan CAI, joined UHPC lab. Welcome!
- 2023.12, Mr Mingrui WANG confirmed candidacy. Congrats!
- 2023.12, Mr Haolong LI received his Master degree from HKU. Congratulations!
- 2023.12, Prof Cheng joined the Overseas Experts Committee of The World IC Engine Congress.
- 2023.12, 2024广东省自然科学基金面上项目 – 获批资助(project on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) approved for funding by NSF of Guangdong Province)
- 2023.11, Mr Han won the Merit Award of The ME 3-Minute Presentation Competition.
- 2023.11, Ms Ren and Mr Han presented their work at The ME 3-Minute Presentation Competition.
- 2023.11, Journal paper accepted to Physics of Fluids (Q1, IF: 4.980), (title: Pinch-off Dynamics in Unequal-Size Droplets Head-on Collision on a Wetting Surface: Experiments and Direct Numerical Simulations).
- 2023.11, New students (Judy CHAN, Hongqing WU, Yan ZHANG, Yuxin DONG) joined UHPC Lab, welcome!
- 2023.10, Journal paper accepted to Combustion and Flame (Q1, IF: 5.767), (title: Theoretical study of H-atom abstraction by CH3OȮ radicals from aldehydes and alcohols: ab initio and comprehensive kinetic modeling).
- 2023.10, Mr Yu HAN won the ME MSc by dissertation scholarship.
- 2023.10, Prof Zhiwu Wang, Prof Dingxi Wang, Prof Shenren Xu and Prof Qiang Liu from Northwestern Polytechnical University visited UHPC Lab.
- 2023.10, Dr Cui gave a technical presentation at the 2023 GPPS HK Technical Conference (title: The Analysis and Prediction of Flame Misfire Combining with Optical Diagnostic and Machine Learning Methods).
- 2023.10, Dr Khan gave a technical presentation at the 2023 GPPS HK Technical Conference (title: Comparison of Staged and Biphasic Organosolv Pretreatment to Facilitate the Production of Lignin Based Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) from Pelletized Urban Wood Product Wastes).
- 2023.10, Dr Ray gave a technical presentation at the 2023 GPPS HK Technical Conference (title: Impact Force of Ellipsoidal Droplets on Superhydrophobic Surfaces).
- 2023.10, Prof Shijin Shuai from Tsinghua University, Prof Haifeng Liu from Tianjin University, Prof Hengjie Guo from Northwestern Polytechnical University visited UHPC Lab.
- 2023.10, Dr Cui presented at the China National Symposium on Combustion 2023 (title: The analysis of flame misfire combining with multiple optical diagnostic methods).
- 2023.10, Prof Cheng was invited to give a Keynote seminar at the China National Symposium on Combustion 2023 (title: Robust-Ever Modeling of Trans-/Super-Critical Combustion via First-Principles Methods).
- 2023.09, The Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department (HKCAD) visited UHPC Lab.
- 2023.09, Hactl – Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited visited UHPC Lab.
- 2023.08, Prof Cheng visited CASC (Six Academy).
- 2023.08, New research students, Tujie CHEN and Haolong LI, joined UHPC Lab, welcome!
- 2023.08, Prof Cheng visited CASC 101 Department.
- 2023.08, Prof Cheng was invited to give a Beacon Fire Series seminar at The Center for Combustion Energy of Tsinghua University.
- 2023.08, Prof Cheng serves as Session Chair at ICCEU15.
- 2023.08, Ms Tang and Mr Wang presented their work on nitrogen chemistry and supercritical combustion, respectively, at ICCEU15.
- 2023.07, Review paper (title: Combustion Chemistry of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons Mixed with NOx: A Review with a Focus on Their Interactions) received the Editor’s Choice Article award
- 2023.06, Prof Cheng serves as the Guest Editor of Frontiers.
- 2023.06, New project on SAF awarded for funding by the Research Grant Council under the Early Career Scheme.
- 2023.06, CASC (Sixth Academy) visited UHPC Lab.
- 2023.06, Prof Cheng was invited to give a Keynote seminar at The 9th International Seminar on Motor Vehicle Environmental Protection and Supervision Technology, held by SAE China.
- 2023.06, Journal paper accepted to Energies (Q2, IF: 3.252), (title: Combustion Chemistry of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons Mixed with NOx: A Review with a Focus on Their Interactions).
- 2023.05, Postdoc, Dr Yanqing CUI, joined UHPC Lab, welcome!
- 2023.05, Prof Cheng was invited to give a seminar at the 64th Beiyang Forum, held by the State Key Laboratory of Engine Combustion, Tianjin University.
- 2023.05, Prof Cheng was invited to give a seminar at the School of Aerospace Engineering of the Civil Aviation University of China.
- 2023.04, Prof Cheng was invited to give a seminar at the 冬青论坛2023, held by the School of Power and Energy of The Northwestern Polytechnic University.
- 2023.04, Guojie Liang MC’ed the 2022 AAE MSc Graduation Ceremony.
- 2023.04, Prof Xiaokui Yue (Dean), Prof Qilong Yan (Head), Prof Hongqi Nie from NPU, Prof Kaili Zhang from CityU, and Jieyao LYU from NUS visited UHPC Lab.
- 2023.04, Prof Henry Curran visited UHPC Lab, and delivered a distinguished lecture (title: Developing Detailed Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms for Ammonia Combustion and NOx Emissions).
- 2023.04, Prof Cheng was invited to deliver a talk at the 1st CASC(Sixth Academy)-PolyU Discussion Forum, (title: 高强化喷雾燃烧跨/超临界效应研究).
- 2023.04, Prof Cheng was invited to deliver a seminar at the COMAC-PolyU Discussion Forum, (title: Intelligent Sourcing and Optimization of Sustainable Aviation Fuels).
- 2023.04, Prof Cheng was invited to deliver a lecture at the BIAA Lecture on Technology Frontier at the School of Astronautics of Northwestern Polytechnic University, (title: Comprehending Extreme Combustion Chemistry: From Microscopic to Macroscopic).
- 2023.03, Journal paper accepted to Fuel (Q1, IF: 8.035), (title: Mathematical Modeling of Puffing and Microexplosion in Emulsified Fuel Droplets Containing Several Bubbles: A Case Study on n-Dodecane/Water Droplet).
- 2023.03, Paper accepted to 13th U. S. National Combustion Meeting, (title: Compositional effect of multi-component gasoline on the ϕ-sensitivity of ignition delay time).
- 2023.03, Journal paper accepted to Combustion and Flame (Q1, IF: 5.767), (title: From electronic structure to model application of key reactions for gasoline/alcohol combustion: hydrogen-atom abstractions by CH3Ȯ radical).
- 2023.03, Journal paper accepted to Physics of Fluids (Q1, IF: 4.980), (title: Head-on collosion of unequal-size droplets on a wetting surface).
- 2023.03, Prof Thierry Poinsot visited UHPC Lab.
- 2023.03, Prof Song CHENG joined Local Organizing Committee of 2023 GPPS HK.
- 2023.02, DGRF awarded for funding.
- 2023.01, New RIO project (Trans- and Super-Critical Fuel Chemistry for Predictive Modelling, Control and Optimization of Hypersonic Aircrafts and Rockets) awarded for funding.
- 2023.01, New Research student, Xinrui REN, joined UHPC Lab, welcome!
- 2022.12, Joint research agreement formulated with Cathay Pacific on Sustainable Aviation Fuels ;
- 2022.11, 2023广东省自然科学基金面上项目 – 获批资助(project on Sustainable Aviation Fuel approved for funding by NSF of Guangdong Province)
- 2022.10, Journal paper accepted to Fuel (Q1, IF: 8.035), (title: Multi-stage heat release of multi-component fuels: Insights and implications for advanced engine operation).
- 2022.10, Journal paper accepted to Applications in Energy and Combustion Science (sister journal of PECS, Q1, IF: 35.339), (title: Replicating HCCI-like autoignition behavior: What gasoline surrogate fidelity is needed?)
- 2022.09, Postdoc, Dr Ray Saroj, joined UHPC Lab, welcome!
- 2022.09, New research students, Yu HAN, Ruoyue TANG, Guojie LIANG, and Edward CHAN, joined UHPC Lab, welcome!
- 2022.06, Prof Song CHENG joined SAE Organizing Committee ;
- 2022.06, Project on Sustainable Aviation Fuels is funded by Research Centre for Resources Engineering Towards Carbon Neutrality.
- 2022.05, New research student, Mingrui WANG, joined UHPC Lab, welcome!
- 2022.05, Two research assistants, Adrian and Nivain, joined UHPC Lab, welcome!
- 2022.05, PolyU Competitive “3+1” RPg Fellowship Awarded.
- 2022.05, Research work on NOx/olefin interactions has been accepted for publication on Combustion and Flame (Q1, IF: 5.767), (title: Unraveling the role of EGR olefins at advanced combustion conditions in the presence of nitric oxide: Ethylene, propene and isobutene).
- 2022.04, two journal papers on NOx interactions and ab initio calculations accepted to The Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (Q1, IF: 6.719).